Outdoor Yoga Series | Week 7
Curious seekers of new destinations? Ross County Park District is full of nature preserves very few know exist.
Take delight in everything local + parks + winery + connection, through this unique diverse experience with hiking, yoga and a celebration of fresh air and all that is preserved on earth.
Hike: Begins at 11:00 a.m. (approximately 1 hour)
Expect elements of grounding, stretching and breathing with some doses of laughter.
Led by: Adrienne Boggs | Geode Represent
Beginner Friendly.
Optional meet up:
Naz Winery after hike + yoga
To sign-up visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ross-county-parks-district-yoga-series-featuring-geode-yoga-fitness-tickets-126715372089